Of course they got a whiff of the doggies when I opened the door to go outside, so I found Matilda peering curiously at us through the window heehee! So cute!

Here are the doggies... Daisy and Zoey. Very cute but OMG their barks make my ears bleed.

Normally, I can never get a picture of Zoey because she won't sit still. All she ever wants to do is lick the camera. This time there was enough to distract her that I managed a couple of shots. She did lick my knee though. And yes, I screamed.
Your kitty picture is the.best. :)
Such cute animals!! Love the kitty pic with the pink flowers!! Have a great weekend!:)
Haha I love the kitty face!
Hey you dogs.. Get off my lawn!
You're so funny - they're just fluffy little poodles!
Tilly's face just kills me!!!
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