Our niece Olivia turned one and she had a rainbow party over the weekend! I got a txt the other day asking if I'd be the official / unofficial photog for the party.
Her mummy is big on themes and does a beautiful job of decorating. If I had a kid, the theme would be 'birthday party' and as long as there was some food and a cake, I'd consider it a success haha!
The birthday girl in her handmade birthday tutu :) She's freaking adorable.
Big sister Ava showing me how she eats broccoli lol! Quite violently, actually!

It's a rainbow cake!!! Isn't it magnificent??? I don't know how she did it. She'd been stressing about whether the layers would turn out, and I believe it came out beautifully. The hubs said it looked like such a simple cake from the outside, and so the rainbow was such a great surprise. And it tasted better than it looked. Seriously.
[If anyone in the CT area wants cakes done by my friend, drop me an email and I'll give you her info.]
Olivia got her own slice and made a cute little mess hehe She went colour by colour, so her face went from purple to blue to green to yellow... and then her mummy decided that was quite enough cake lol!
Cake mess = outfit change. I think I'd wear that dress if it came in my size. Seriously.
It was such a great birthday party and I know Olivia had fun. Looking forward to more birthday parties over the summer which I'll have the pleasure of shooting :)
All around awesome! The birthday girl, her mum's amazing party, that cake! and your great photos. Fun!
Very fun cake! And great photos
OMG-I want one of those cakes for my 55th-yikes, that's a far cry from one isn't it!
Party looks amazing!
I am making one of those cakes for my bub's 1st birthday next month (they're all over the internet, just search "rainbow layer cake").
Have just discovered your blog and it's great. And nice to see the Aussie connection (I'm in the ACT).
Great photos, Audrie!
The cake is perfect! I totally want to make one of those ombre cakes which are basically the same but I'm not sure I have enough pans to do that many layers.... even in batches. Someday.
What fun! Such adorable girls and the cake was amazing!
best. cake. ever.
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