Showing posts with label Press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Press. Show all posts

March 13, 2014

My Quilts In 'Print'

As a quilter, I often wonder where my quilts end up. How they're faring in the wild, in their new homes. Especially the baby quilts... those are the best because I like to believe they're playing a part in a kid's imagination and playtime. Once in a while, I do get the odd email with photos, and that's awesome. I wish more people did that!

Occasionally, I see them on proper websites I visit... And then my head explodes.
Yep. ZARA. Oh it's just on flippin Zara, a place I've bloody shopped at since forever ago. Head gone explodey pop. Look at it in the teepee! So damn cute! Just FYI, my future kids will have a teepee whether they want one or not. Mummy wants one and needs an excuse.

And Apartment Therapy. Whaaaat! I was looking through it as I do, and I spotted something that looked oddly familiar to me. Look at it!!!

Sadly, I wasn't sourced in either one but they're both definitely mine. I'll give you names and dates, dammit! Hehehe! I remember dealing with both people (the one in the Zara shoot belongs to the photographer) and though it's sad I'm not sourced, it doesn't dampen the awesomeness!

I'm in the middle of a few commissions but I'll definitely be making more of those Tango Mango triangle quilts right after I'm done :)


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