I made a large lap quilt version of it in the style of Denyse Schmidt's Hop, Skip and a Jump. Just slightly less wonky.
I must admit that when I'd finished the quilt top, I had a tiny panic attack because I thought it's far too loud, and no one's going to possibly like this. Especially when it's going on the couch, rather than the baby's room. Then I told myself to shut up.

But after I'd finished it, and I almost didn't want to give it away! I gifted it to the mummy-to-be this afternoon and she was utterly thrilled with it :)

I put a black and white gingham on the back, and it was super soft after a wash. Even the hubs made a note of how soft it was. There needs to be more gingham in my future...
I did the quilting very similar to the baby quilt version, but instead of doing double lines, I alternated the white and blue threads. And I didn't keep the lines super straight either... which definitely lends itself well to a Seuss-inspired quilt.

The binding kills me. The mini stripe is almost blinding to look at in yardage, but when made into binding, it's too damn cute.

I love how it sits with the gingham especially. So glad I didn't go with a red solid!
It's one of my most favourite quilts I've done, and I hope mother and child share many, many cuddles and snuggles under it :)
This is adorable--not too loud. Definitely fun and the striped binding is a perfect touch.
so adorable!! i love the bold & bright!!
I love this. I've wanted to make a fall quilt in this pattern for too long.
That's it. I'm starting today. See what you made me do?? :)
The only loud thing about this quilt is that she's screaming..."I'M CUTE" at the top of her quilty little lungs :)
I almost like this one more than the first one!
I have always loved the colors of Dr. Seuss! You may have inspired me to do one of my own.
Adorable! I don't think it's too loud at all. Great colors!
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