My niece turned two today and I'm fairly certain she had a blast. Elmo's her favourite character so it was fitting that her parents had an Elmo party for her.

I made this Elmo cake for her, and she couldn't stop looking at it, saying Elmo's name. That alone was worth the effort. If you're wondering, it's chocolate chip brownies under that icing.

The red velvet cupcakes turned into Elmo faces! We didn't have the energy to try to pipe his mouth on, and this might've been a good thing because the frosting was threatening to slide right off.
okay love the elmos! and your quilts are so prett! thanks for your comments on my blog, i like it when i start to recognize names yours is one of them so i had to come over here and say "hey"
btw your little girl is stinkin cute!
so cute! you've got mad decorating skills!
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