I finally decided to get on Pinterest and I love finding all these new things. It's almost like sharing your scrapbook with everyone, and sneaking a peek at theirs.
(That's possibly the worst explanation of Pinterest ever. Sorry, Pinterest.)
It's become a source of severe time suckage, but I suppose it's better than doing housework :) Anyway, here's a few things I've found and pinned on my boards.

I've wanted to make jar pies for ages but couldn't be stuffed to figure out temperature and time on my own. Someone else has figured this out, so there should be many little jar pies in my future.

I don't know if it's because I've recently started delving into photography, but I love pictures of girls with cameras. This one's such a great shot... even if it is a Nikon...
(Please don't send me hate mail if you use a Nikon. Sarcasm doesn't translate well online.)

Hello? Is it me you're looking for? This made me laugh so hard. The hubs tells me it's not so new, I told him to shut it. Politely, of course.
Audrie....you are so funny. I loved your blog 1st because of your awesome quilts and creativity. Now I just love you for your sheer wit and bitchiness (meant in the nicest way possible). Luv Ya girl you make me smile.
BTW how the h@!! did you get the pinterest invite? I have requested one for a long time and I've got nothing....but it is really fun to look at others boards.
Smores don't typically have peanut butter in them, just chocolate and marshmallow on a graham cracker. :)
Laurie: I take my bitchiness to be a good thing, so thank you :) As for the request, I didn't think it was difficult! I got a reply / invite in 2 hrs. I suppose try again?
I am so in love with Pinterest. I try to only let myself use it when I'm on the treadmill. Works well to motivate me to get on the treadmill. ;)
I laughed really hard at that Lionel Richie picture too. In fact, I laughed again when I saw it here.
I love Pinterest...but I MUST stay away except on very special occasions...lol.
1. Those jar things look yummo, make me some when i see you next.
2. I want that girl's fashion-effortlessness and her YSL ring.
3. That quilt is BEYOND amazing!!
4. I completely agree with you on the PB & choc combo....weirdest flavour evar!
5. It's ok to laugh at old recycled funny. I chuckled the other day at the "all your base are belong to us" phrase. :-)
Jar Pies, now thats a first for me. Maybe I would be a better pie maker if I could stuff it into jars, probably not.
Love Pinterest - and yes, it's the biggest time-waster. But so inspiring. Hubby needs to apply for his citizenship too - but I know he's eaten smores before so I gues he's safe :-)
I saw this yesterday and thought of you!
Jar pies? Um, yes please!
I have never heard of Jar Pies, but I sure as heck want one now!! Blueberry! Or should I say "bleuberry"?? Hee!
The quilt is amazeballs, as our extra sister would say... That must've taken eons to do!
Never saw the Lionel Richie one before either, we must've been living under one pretty huge rock... It's freaking hilarous though =)
@Chinwei: Yeah that's a gorgeous quilt... I have the book that it's from.
Love Pinterest and manage to justify the hours perusing by at least being able to archive sources of inspiration.
That quilt is ridiculously awesome. A definite pin.
And it took me a week to get an invite. I'm not sure what their system is.
I'm glad someone told you that smores don't have to have pb - it's true. just graham cracker, marshmallow, and a hershey's bar (which is the worst chocolate, but it's the rule of smores)
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