I was on my way home from work and running a couple errands... All I wanted to go was go home and cook dinner and a meal to take to some friends who'd just had a baby.
Instead, I get hit by an idiotic driver who couldn't be bothered to slow down and look in her side mirror before changing lanes and slamming right into my car, then rear-ending another car.
Just. Frakking. Wonderful.
I'm pissed that I was minding my own damn business and got hit. I always said it wouldn't be my fault if I were in an accident.
I'm pissed because now I have to deal with insurance companies and getting my car fixed.
I'm pissed because the driver that hit us didn't even bother to look at or speak to us before leaving.
Bummer. Hope you're ok
Glad you are OK!
Glad you are all right. There are a lot of idiots out there........ be careful!
Can't believe she didn't even talk to you or apologize! What is wrong with people?! Glad you are ok - sorry about your car...such a bummer!
The bright side is that you weren't hurt! Cars can be fixed (even if it totally sucks) but Audries are completely irreplaceable.
Irony of ironies: word verification for my comment - strucka.
That's just sucky!
Ughh! So sorry you have to deal with all this crap...but I'm so happy to hear that you're okay!
Don't forget the truth: cars are there to haches instead of us. :)
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