These were taken yesterday. I've since put the binding on (all 400 inches of it!) and am about to stitch on a label and throw it in the wash. It'll live with us. We haven't had a quilt come live with us in a long, long time... needless to say, I'm beyond thrilled :) The hubs is kind of whateverpants about it.
I'll show you the quilt on Friday... which just happens to be the start of the Blogger's Quilt Festival! Coincidence? I think not :)
So how are you liking your machine?
Ohh, Thats 1974! I LOVE that fabric! All time favorite. I have just finished a quilt for my bed out of this. Can't wait to see yours!!!
Great colors, it looks like it's going to be really lovely... hooray for keeping this one!
Just love that 1974! Kicking myself I didn't grab some when it was still around! Can't wait to see the finished quilt!
It looks awesome - and wasn't super crunched with all that lovely room on Hedwig!
Oooo can't wait to see it! Whateverpants is my new favorite word :)
Please send some of that rain and dreariness here ! I'd love a good excuse to quilt today.
Tell the hubs that if his attitude doesn't change he can sleep on the couch! Can't wait to see the quilt.
"whateverpants"! Love it!
Love the colors on this quilt!
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