I finally got round to buying myself a replacement gigantic summer hat! I decided to just go get another one from J Crew and to my delight, they had it in black too. Yes, I know it'll absorb heat blah blah blah but fashion over function, people. Plus it matches my hair :)
It's starting to warm up (not happy about that) so I took it out in the backyard for a test run, just to see that it worked and stuff. Yeah I'm aware I'm idiotic.

I love how this hat is almost as wide as my shoulders and obscures my view when it starts flopping as I walk. I laugh every time, so if you see a laughing dork in a huge hat, that'd be me. Make sure you say hi.
Oh why can't we be tall and skinny like our shadows...
Oh and my husband came home wishing me happy 2nd anniversary of our first wedding reception*. I'd totally forgotten, so one point for you honey. Although, you didn't bring me jewellery, so that's one demerit point. So we're even again :)
* We had a civil ceremony, one reception here in CT and a second reception in Singapore. I recommend this to no one. Unless you enjoy the stress and all the crazy, then you have bigger problems than planning three weddings.
Happy 1st Anniversary! I love floppy hats & hats that I can fold down to hide partially too.
cute hat! laugh all you want with all that fun :)
I know what you mean about too many weddings! My hubby and I were married in Egypt. we had a civil ceremony and a church wedding there. We also had a small service and reception in Canada. He always complains that he can't remember the date of our anniversary.
woman, you're too cute!
So, today in the car I was driving and an old song came on the radio and I instantly thought of you and the old days....
"Saaaaaaaaaaaave tonight and fight the break of dawn. come tomorrow-tomorrow i'll be gone."
Eagle. Eye. Cherry.
love ya!
how many times can i say and in one post?
A. Lot.
I love that you'd actually wear a huge floppy hat Audrie! It's so cute on you!
LOL, my daughter is in the same place, a wedding in India, an Indian reception in the states and then a "white gown" wedding and reception (as her MIL says) in the states. Meg wants to celebrate them all preferable with jewelery too! Love the hat!
that hat eats other hats for breakfast!!
can't believe you actually stood in sunshine long enough to take the pictures. you might even... *GASP*... have human-like skin colour after that?!?!
should've also had a reception in aus, just to cover all bases >=)
You look adorable with that hat. I bet it is great to wear when the sun is really coming down.
Love the hat Miss A. Working it well.
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