March 12, 2010

No Muppets Were Harmed

I saw this, and all I could think was that the poor girl must have friends to tell her she looks like she's wearing Muppets, right?

And then I felt like a big old hypocrite because back in the day, I had a couple of furry coats. One was black, the other was a slate blue. A girl even tried to buy the black one off my back once. Bitch, please.

Sadly, the coats are long gone, along with the rest of my rather questionable wardrobe. My mother actually thanked me for ditching the weirdness and dressing 'normally' a few years ago lol I do what I can, Mum. I do what I can.


Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

"ditching the weirdness" .. LOL!! i had those days.. i used to wear hospital scrubs and bright as anything tees to school.. what was i thinking??

Dee said...

Ah-nee-mall! Ah-nee-mall!

Terriaw said...

check out those crazy colors! my mom and I made a white faux fur coat when I was a teenager - it was THE best jacket ever! I wish we still had it.

Angela Nash said...

I can't decide which is worse - the muppet jacket or the skirt/pants whatever they are.

Averil said...

remember - you only DRESS normally, you've still gotta work on the BEING normal... *evil cackle*


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