My husband got a call from the client's wife today. Apparently her husband made a little booboo ordering the quilt. He asked me to make a twin, when it really should've been a queen. This is why men shouldn't surprise their families with things like quilts hehe
The wife loves the quilt dearly, and so does her son (PHEW!), and she's completely heartbroken that it doesn't fit on the bed. She wants to know if I can extend the quilt into a queen.
One second, I need to go stand outside and scream for a second.
Okay, I'm back.
There's binding, hand quilting and borders to unpick. There's the quilt top, backing and batting to extend. The thought of it makes me want to wet myself in my big girl pants. But being a doofus, I can't help but want to rectify the situation and do what's necessary to make it a queen-sized quilt.
Someone kick me, please.
omg! I can't believe it...and you thought you had that out of your system! I hope they pay you a nice "fix it" fee for all your troubles...that's awful!
oh my word! You POOR GIRL!
Can't they just lay it at the bottom of his bed and have a queen size plain one made with a large square in the middle of the quilt with a tractor in it?
oh dear. i wish i could hug you.. that man better feel bad... i think i'd cry
You're a saint to even consider doing all that!
um, you may need to be locked away due to insanity after this is done
Holy cripes! Thats a lot of work. Hub's client better pay you nicely and bring hubs truckloads of business. My hats off to you. Good luck, We're all praying for you!
Oh, but think of the extra super good craft karma you will have coming your way.
Obviously they are not quilters or they would understand! I think I heard you screaming today (you are not that far away).
Yes, make it worth your time!
Wow! You are a generous woman to even consider it. I like the idea from one of the other commenters to just use it at the bottom of his bed over a plain quilt or spread.
If you're going to unpick, could you just remove the binding and then unpick just one (or two sides) and then add blocks from there? Maybe not unpick the whole thing, just add to the sides leaving the remainder of the quilt intact. Just pick out enough to be able to piece onto it. I don't know, maybe I'm just talking out my rear. Good luck!
Good luck, my dear. If I could find a way, I'd be there tomorrow with my seam-ripper....
Hi Audrie just found your blog. You are a laugh. I read through some of your posts and you made me laugh. I feel sorry for you about the quilt don't you hate that all the hard work and now. Good luck with it. I will come and visit again soon. Carol from downunder.
Aaaaahhh, I'm tearing my hair out for you! I don't think I could muster the energy. Good luck, and know that we're all on your side!
Here's my solution. Retrieve the quilt, put it in your etsy shop; start from scratch; make a new quilt; charge accordingly.
Oh. My. This makes me twitch.
Ugh! For what it's worth, I think you're doing the right thing. And your "big girl pants" made me laugh.
Boy what a mistake, my DH is very good with measurement he will know if i want to move something if it will fit but i know that he wouldn't know sizes of quilts i must say i would ask how a queen got down to a twin they are totally different sizes lol
Hugs Janice
ouch!!! poor girl! even with the ammount of trouble this will give you, remember that at least they're asking you to do this because they really LOVE THE QUILT, otherwise they wouldn't care.
well, good luck!!!
tell them to switch to a twin bed?! <=) downsizing builds character, ya'know?
bet your blood pressure has never been higher...
Hi Audrie, I know this post is old news by now by wow!... I think of you spending all that time making the original quilt & then, spending more time rectifying everything. Poor Audrie!
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