August 20, 2013

Dancers Among Us

I stumbled across these magnificent pictures on Dancers Among Us by Jordan Matter, and all I can say is WOW. I mean seriously. WOW. Ballet dancers are just amazing... the things they can do with their bodies and always maintaining their elegance. Simply amazing.

And the looks on people's faces as the dancers are airborne? Too damn funny :)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE THAT BOOK!!! Reading the stories of how he snapped those pictures is SO interesting! They truly look photoshopped, but by the looks of the bystanders' faces, you know that they are not!! Good luck on the unpacking!! It's great to have a new beginning, but oh, so much work! Looking forward to seeing your beautiful quilts again!

Kar said...

Pretty darn awesome! I would be a jumbled up ball of mess lying on the ground if I tried anything like that. :)

Jan said...


Emma Watson said...

All of these images are looking mind blowing thanks for the sharing and just keep up the good work.


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