I ended up getting a dark grey worsted merino superwash by Plymouth Yarn and an aqua fingering weight merino by Ella Rae. The superwash is SO soft and squishy... I'm always picky about yarn that I use for anything around my neck especially because I get so irritated by anything even remotely itchy.
Starting this cowl was slightly aggravating. Not because the pattern's difficult, but because I'm clearly an idiot. I cast the 320 stitches, did a couple of rows, then realised I didn't need to knit the first row. DOH. So I frogged it and cast 320 stitches again... did six rows and then realised I didn't read the first part of the pattern where it said to slip the stitch purlwise with the YARN HELD IN THE BLOODY BACK OMG SO STUPID!!!
Frogged it again, swore a lot, thought about taking up drinking, and finally cast the 320 stitches AGAIN. When I finished the second row, I realised I'd done something wrong somewhere because there was one stitch 'missing'. And wouldn't you know, my booboo was near the beginning of the row.
Seriously. I am so frakking stupid. I can't even blame drugs for my brain malfunctioning.
I went backwards and undid the stitches, swearing and getting slightly homicidal, fixed my mistake and tadaaaaa! Everything's fine.
Now, you probably won't have the same problems that I did with this cowl because 1. you probably can read, 2. you're not me. I'm only telling you this because it's just insanely hilarious how idiotic I can be. You're welcome.
Hahaha! Sorry I couldn't help but laugh at your post because I just went through THE SAME DAMN THING while I was casting on the honey cowl. Seriously ripped out 4 times just because I clearly wasn't paying attention. The pattern is simple and well written - but I wasn't all there I guess. So I am glad you got everything squared away right and love the color combo you picked out! And I agree the superwash is sooooo soft and smushy. Happy knitting!
Oh geez, I thought I was the only one.....had to start over three times on a cowl this summer! Love your colors!
I am also making a scarf with this pattern! I chose the colors grey and lime green. I don't even want to say how many times I had to restart this project because I had done something wrong, so don't worry you're not alone! Please Please Please post a pic of the finished project, I would love to see it!
Beautiful pattern; I've marked it for a future project. Your colors are lovely. And as for the ripping out, you are in good company. It usually takes me 2-3 tries just to get my long tail for cast on the proper length & at 320 stitches---no fun!
Laughing in sympathy. I'm knitting a sweater from a well-written pattern that would be a breeze were it not for user error. It's mortifying how many times I've looked at the chart, looked at the knitting, thought, "okay, this next one is a wrong-side knit row"... and then my fingers go on to purl the d*amned stitches anyway. For about the 23rd time. I don't think I'm ready for anything with TWO colors!
Oh no, you big doofus. I think I probably would have just fudged it. Because I'm basically lazy whereas you are careful. Casting on 320 stitches more than once would be enough for me to poke knitting needles in my eyes. My honey cowl has a mistake in one row, but I don't care. :-/
Sorry, but yep, it is funny! Don't worry, we've all had a brain fail on a pattern so time or other. A 320 stitch pattern is not a great one to save it happen on though!
S x
Ha! Well, if it makes you feel better I can't even read-make sense of-knitting/crochet patterns as i learned to do them in a different country and it seems they called everything different names and did them different ways. So whenever I want to make something I just kind of make it up. Bravo you!
Very nice colors. Are you going to show the finished scarf?
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