October 5, 2011

Cross-Stitch iPhone Cases

How pretty is this! An iPhone case you can cross-stitch! It combines my love of sewing / crafting and my unnatural obsession with my iPhone.

Althouuuugh... I just don't know that I can keep it pristine white. Or if I can keep the DMC floss from getting ten shades of dirty. And also, my iPhone is black so it would look kind of odd, no?

People, this is what shopping with me is like most of the time. I can get super excited about something and talk myself out of it in 2.6 seconds flat. I think it's quite impressive, really.

Picture courtesy of Purl Bee.


Linda said...

OMG, I saw this earlier today too and LOVED it but also talked myself out of it because it is white and my phone is black. haha It's a sickness I think. hahaha

CitricSugar said...

I did the exact same thing... ooh, ooh, soo cool, but that is going to get so dirty so fast, etc, etc...

Jules said...

ahh but did you know they have other colours?? i pinned it on pinterest. i'll find the link for you.

twelfthzodiac said...

I saw them somewhere else in BLACK! And blue, green, pink & orange!
Now...I just need an iphone!


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