August 26, 2011

Hurricane Irene

I'm totally flipping out. We're there, right smack in the middle of all the fun.

We're taking in all the deck furniture tonight, and I'll be moving some things to the basement. Like my sewing machines. And fabric. Alright, I'm going to try and cram my entire studio in there.

I hope everyone stays safe, and that this hurricane doesn't hurt us all too badly. Who would've thunk... hurricane AND earthquake all in a week?! Ridiculous.

*Edited to add: Oops I didn't think about the basement flooding. Can you tell I've never been subjected to a hurricane while living in a house? I just thought of the only room with no windows and the basement was it. I guess I'll just move my machines and fabric as far away from windows as I possibly can and hope for the best. Remind me to thank my husband for dragging me to this country...


Stephanie said...

Too much for me in one week, that's for sure!!! I'm freaking out, because if we have crazy winds and part of our roof would decide to go, well it would be the crappy part of the roof right above my sewing space :( Think I better start packing it all up! Stay safe!!!

Sharon Pernes said...

Stay safe. One thing to think about...putting the sewing machine in the basement might not be a great idea, that's the first place that might flood.

Sandra said...

Be safe. I am up in New Brunswick Canada, about 10 hours north of you. We felt the earthquake up here too and are due to get torrential rains from Irene. Thankfully our location makes us safe from flooding.
Thinking about everyone who is in the path of this storm.

Meg said...

Yup, we're battening down the hatches here in Seymour, CT, too. SCARY! I haven't been through one since Gloria in 1985, and I was 8 years old then. Keeping my fingers crossed, for all of us, that it's not too bad. See you on the other side of this, Audrie!

Danielle said...

I have lived on the Gulf Coast for most of my life, and we are hurricane experts now. My advice-- put the sewing machine in an upstairs bathroom (or windowless room)-- not the basement, in case of water surge/flooding. Also, just make sure you have plenty of ice, bottled water, propane for your grill and batteries/flashlights. Fill your tubs up with water and keep clean towels onhand. The water in your bathtub will be just in case you get a direct hit and have clean up afterward. I've been in many hurricanes, and it can be scary (falling trees and whatnot), but we've always come out okay. You will too.

I usually stock up on vodka, too.

Chris said...

Be safe. I have been through a couple and they can be nasty, but we always took precautions and it was well in the end.

Cassie said...

I'm feeling the same way too in Norfolk, VA. We just finished putting all our valuables in high places, like closet shelves, to protect them from flooding. Our house is under mandatory evacuation, so I packed up the iMac, a week's worth of clothes, my son ( of course) and my favorite quilts and we're waiting it out in higher ground in neighboring va beach. My house is screwed if we get the flooding predicted, but hopefully the contents will stay dry. This sucks biiig time :(

CitricSugar said...

Stay safe! And dry. And calm.

Merran said...

Good luck, let us know how you faired.

Kari V. said...

Good luck! I hope it doesn't end up with a direct hit. I've never been through a hurricane but it looks nerve wracking. Thinking of you!

Marg said...

Good luck, sounds like Danielle has the right idea.

Dana Gaffney said...

Just listen to what they are telling you to do, make sure you have plenty of fresh water and canned food to last about 3 days. I've been through too many of these. It sounds like it's slowing a bit, but it is a huge storm.

Anonymous said...

I had the great good fortune of being in the both of SC for Hugo and FL for Andrew (I was old enough to hightail it out of MD for Rita!) - everything about the bathtub, water, high ground etc is sound advice (all puns intendend). Have a bucket on hand for using the tub water to flush if the power goes out.

It's a good thing you've got that queen sized hexie to work on, too!

(This is tarabu, by the way - google's been very picky about letting me post under my own name lately!)


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