Finally uploaded pictures from my camera. Took long enough... hehe :)

It's been raining lots while I've been back. My family thinks it's my fault.

Domo Kun!!!

A new-to-me shopping mall... it's so empty because my dear mother insists on going to lunch at 11am.

We went shopping for what we needed for Chinese New Year.

I found these very expensive fruits from Japan. (
Edited to add: S$49 = US$39)

Very VERY expensive! (
Edited to add: S$99 = US$77)

There's been soooo much eating. So so so much eating.
I've pretty much drunk my weight in coffee since I've been here... Love it!

Hi Mum! Isn't she cute? :)

Hello there :)

My sister Aurelia says hi too :)
Looks like you're having a great time Audrie! Singapore is definitely on my "to-visit" list!
I'm glad you're enjoying your family, looks like fun. I can't believe the prices on that fruit, is that dollars?
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