June 14, 2010

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Good: My windscreen (or windshield to the Americans) got replaced today! The enormous crack on the driver's side will no longer make me hyperventilate when I drive.

Bad: The weather has taken a turn for the worse. It is now humid and icky.

Ugly: The poor hubs got elbowed in the nose during a game of basketball tonight. He ate a piece of cheesecake and is now feeling a little better. I'm just hoping he doesn't bleed on the sheets tonight...


Greg said...

Its days like this that I'm thankful that A.) I quilt. B.) I have the day off C.) I have air conditioning!!! When its 86 degrees with 80% humidity I tend to stay inside and get creative. Congrats on the windshield, are you taking bets on when this one will be broken?? And awe.. Poor The Hubs... It ain't a sport until someone bleeds, today was HIS day... I do hope there is no major blood loss or damage, that could put his cleaning spurts in jeopardy, thus no gold stars for him!

by Daisy said...

well, you're lucky to have a new windscreen. mine is not broken but some birds have decided to make a picasso painting in it...

Rebekah said...

I hope the nose blood didn't get on the sheets last night!

Crossing my fingers that my windscreen never gets busted...what a pain!


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