A few days ago, my darling friend Margie told me to be on the look out for a parcel. She tells me this because she knows the wait will kill me and takes way too much joy in causing me grief.

Thanks Margie! I love my gifts! :) You're the besterest ever!

I checked on the progress of my beloved peonies... they're budding! Hee! I can't wait :)
Please ignore the disgusting state of affairs that is the underside of our deck. I'm sure many things live under there. Gross.

The lilacs are blooming though! So pretty. And they smell lovely too.

And that was quite enough sun and nature for me. My arm itches. And how'd it get up to 79F??? I don't like this. Don't like it at all. Back to my safe place where I can make a mess and fondle fabric.
See, I still use Gretel. Hedwig's hanging back going "Yeah when you're done messing around and have something to quilt, give me a call. Until then, I'm outie 5000."
That is a really pretty necklace. I hope you have fun wearing it.
sweet whisks. I have an alien whisk. Crazy.
Awww your peonies and lilacs look so happy... I had to leave mine behind when we moved, and boy do i miss them. I hope you will post a picture when the peonies bloom... =)
I am excited about my Peonies too! They have so many buds! So Sad that my lilacs are done!
My first laugh out loud of the morning @ your problem with anthropomorphism. Too funny! I do it too--my son gave me a teddy bear for Mother's Day last year and I can't stand to leave it face down. Because I am crazy cakes.
Also, that necklace is making me jealous! It's really pretty.
Lilacs are wonderful! :) They always remind me of my grandma. :)
lilacs and peonies! what I can't wait for when spring comes!
Gosh Audrie! What a super friend!
Ok, you're getting me going with the peonies and lilacs. They're both totally awesome flowers! I can't wait for my peonies to bloom too, they always smell soooooooo good!
what an adorable necklace! And I kinda sort of want some new squirrel whisks now :)
Your cuckoo clock is so cute. Where did you get that? Was it a target find from a few years ago?
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