They are absolutely stunning!!! I love love love them! I love that almost everyone stuck a piece of their own fabric in there. Oh it's going to be a gorgeous quilt :)
I just feel bad that almost everyone's hating putting the block together and are probably plotting my demise. But looking at the blocks makes the guilt disappear somewhat... ahem.

My poor husband was so embarrassed and kept shushing me, telling me I'm so damn loud. I know I'm loud. Loud is necessary in letting people know that Julie's on the cover.
And then I embarrassed him more by taking many pictures.
The blocks are totally awesome and I would have taken pictures of the magazine, too.
Good for you for shouting your joy and excitement, the world could use a little more enthusiasm!
Also, the blocks look great, and they will definitely make a beautiful quilt!
love your quilt! truly, truly beautiful!
congrats to Julie!
Wow, your quilt is going to look really amazing when you finish it.
Oh, I love that bee quilt. Love it, love it, love it.
oh audrie!! i'm glad you like your blocks.. they do look good all together... and thanks for making a scene all about me! ;-)
It is going to be a beautiful quilt. I enjoyed making the blocks.
So, after all of this, you won't believe it. i dropped your blocks in the big drive through mailbox WITHOUT postage. Crying, and unwilling to leave the box, I called and the Supervisor agreed to bring TWO workers out to open the big giant drive through box and let me paw through the 4 foot high (6 x 6) stack of mail until I found your package, and put the appropriate postage on it. I WAS NOT leaving that box until your package was right!!!
Your dedication is amazing! I'm so sorry you had to go through so much grief :( Thanks for being so awesome though!
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