I hope I don't sound like a party pooper but I'm glad the Christmas craze has died down! I can actually enter a shop without fear or trepidation again lol
Oh, and this is how new I am to this country still... I'd said to my husband I'm waiting for the day after Christmas (or Boxing Day to me!) to go shopping since all the Christmas rush would be over. Yeahhhh... I forgot it's the second busiest shopping day in the States. And yes, I stayed away from the shops that day hehe

(The tag was on a shirt my MIL got me that I had to exchange because it was made for someone at least a head taller than I am. I loved it but I knew I wouldn't wear it much if at all, and I didn't want to waste her pressie. I still feel awful about exchanging it though.)
On the quilting front, I'm working on three baby quilts (one commissioned, two for the shop) simultaneously. And itching to start a couple more. I don't normally start more than a couple of quilts at once so I'm quite annoyed with myself. I'm just going to have to jot down my ideas and get back to them when I'm done with the three. Problem with jotting things down is very often, I'll return to my notes and I have no idea what the hell I was trying to do. Anyone else have that problem? No? Just me?
Anyway I'll hopefully have some finished quilts to show soon :)
How tall are you? I'm 5'2". I bet the baby quilts will be cute!
I stay FAR FAR away from the shopping crazy, too.
To keep track of my quilt plans, I have a file on the computer with inspiration photos. Then, if I get farther than that with some kind of original plan or even dimensions, I make a word file with that info, add in a picture, then turn it all into a PDF. That way when I look through the files, I can scan the little picutres of all my quilty notes. Type A, planning engineer here!
Yeah...we shoulda warned you about the day after Christmas sales!
Happy New Year!
I always end up buying clothes from the children/teens section in Bloomies when we live in NYC when we used to live there! Happy New Year from Tokyo!
love the blog name inspiration...I'm pretty much the opposite of you...most clothes look like crop tops or capris on me because of my long torso and legs :)
i went shopping... i can't resist a sale.. and it was worth it!
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