I finished the John Deere quilt top last night. I think the part I hate about large quilts is putting borders on. Bending over the table, pinning the stupid things on is back breaking business. But I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, so the pain's worth it. Kind of.

(Sorry about the blurry pictures... it's grey and my camera hates me.)

I've since basted the quilt and am about to start quilting. Whee! It never gets old :)
She looks like she's pretending to be a bunny... and often falls asleep with one foot up in air like that. She's so freaking cute I want to eat her.
my B&W male sleeps like that also...quite comical!
The quilt looks great! My fuzzball will fall asleep on his face with his back feet on tiptoes and his butt in the air....
I just love your kittie. I have 2 and they both get in the oddest positions. Your John Deer quilt is adorable.
this cracks me up.. whenever i take my dad to joanns with me he jokes about the john deere fabric.. and i keep telling him to be careful or one day he is gonna wake up & have a john deere quilt!!
love the border that you added!
my kitty falls asleep like that sometimes...your kitty is so fluffy and cute!
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