I'm sick. I was feeling kind of yuck last night but had a massive case of denial. Today I couldn't get out of bed and slept 17 hours. Yeah, I seem to be pretty sick. I'm bored of sleeping so I've moved my convalescing downstairs to the couch to watch mindless TV... always helps, I think :)
Hope your feel better soon! Mindless TV does wonders doesn't it?
Poor girl, being sick is the worst. Keep getting lots of rest and I do hope you feel better soon!
hope you feel better really really soon!!!
Get better soon! I want to see some more table runners! :)
Poor Audrie... Hope you feel better soon. Make sure the Hubs waits on your every need and desire for the next few days... Drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest, And curl up with a comfy quilt and a good book, daytime TV SUCKS!!
Take care of yourself, hon! And mindless tv is just fine when you're sick - otherwise you might miss something important on one of the good shows when you slip into "naptime" or fall under the influence of Nyquil or fever.
I wish you a speedy recovery! (and chocolate milkshakes.)
Feel better.
Poor Che Che, just chug honey and lemon. Both are great curatives for colds. :-)
Love you babe. Feel better soon!
be healed!!!
you too?? I never thought that I would get tired of sleeping, but my goal tomorrow is to get out of the house...hope you are feeling better soon!
auddiepants. I'm sorry you're sick babes! Get a hot tottie. I know it always helped me feel better when i was younger, for whatever reason! ;)
Love ya tons!
Tell Steve to share the soup! :)
Sooorry to read that! I was ill too for over 8 days, I'm just starting to feel better (thanks to the antibiotics)... If your throat hurts, try drinking warm milk with lots of honey in it. That's my grandmother's cure, and it does help a lot, I find. Repose-toi bien !
I hope you're doing better soon!
oh, I hope you're feeling better! Being sick is no fun...especially during the weekend
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