November 4, 2009

Oh, Anthro

My wallet has gone into hiding because the largest Anthropologie catalogue ever just landed in the mailbox today. Smart little wallet.

Some of my favourites...

Love this. The neckline is perfect.

I want this skirt please.

So cute.
  Oh pretty ruffles...

But aside from the clothing, I think I look forward to Anthro's holiday decor with as much excitement. There's too many to even say which are my favourites.

I'm going to go lie down...


Barb said...

Those are cute!!! You probably have a cute little figure to make it work!

SueWis said...

I saw the blue/purple/red skirt in person. It is the most amazing heavy fabric. You're lucky you're only seeing it in a catalogue. It is adorable.

Victoria said...

Mine arrived in the mail today... still wiping the drool off my chin!

Dana said...

I LOVE that dress. Good thing I've hid my credit card

Chelsea said...

Anthropologies' home decor makes my visa weep

Dee said...

I like the bow tie skirt best...well, maybe the little white dress too! cute!

Aurelia said...

too pretty........must not reach credit cards........must resist.....

Gina said...

Love the shape of the coat!
I think I'm going to have to re-sign up for their catalog as I haven't received one for a while.


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