November 12, 2009

Knitting... My Old Friend

Hey look! Knitting!

I used to knit like a fiend... all last winter I was knitting like it was going out of style. And then I just kind of stopped. And I haven't picked up knitting needles in what feels like forever. I really should... perhaps after Christmas? Probably not. Sewing's so much quicker. And less aggravating.

I have a friend who's still waiting on some fingerless gloves. I have a fingerless glove completed. Basically I finished one side and hate it with a passion so I have to frog it completely. And that's what's keeping me from diving back into that project. I did finish her beret though. I think I'll mail it to her just to stop her from penciling me onto her Shitlist. Can't risk losing her... it's hard to find sarcastic and witty people to be friends with.

Let's hope I finish the damn fingerless gloves before the turn of the century.


Greg said...

Holy Knit! You're talented... I could say you're full of Knit or You Knithead! Or any other Knit related phrase.. I love the hat in the top row 2nd from left... Can I get that in purple?

Unknown said...

Nice to know you have projects like that too and I am not the only crazy one out there. If worst comes to worst, at least one of her hands will be warm.

Unknown said...

Welcome back to the world of yarn. I knew you had it in you somewhere. It's all about the palette and color, which from what I could see in your quilts you had.

If you don't know Lucy over at Attic 24 you will have to have a peek. She's a hooker like me, but has a wonderful fingerless wrist warmer tutuorial, which you could convert to knitting. Her palette is too die for. She had a great post up yesterday for her Bump24.

Thanks for my daily dose.

Dee said...

bowing in awe at your knitting skills and ability to woo friends! LOL

In Awe of Applique said...

LOL...why are you sitting here typing??? Gadzooks, get to knitting girl!! before your witty sarcastic friend reads your blog and pencils you off completely...wit & sarcasm don't grow on trees ya know : )

Rebekah said...

your knitting projects are beautiful! Knitting is perfect for watching movies and tv. I totally understand about how quick and satisfying sewing is though. It's hard to come up with lots of blog content when all I do is knit.


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