In all my life, I've only ever celebrated Easter once. My parents took me to an Easter egg hunt organised by the country club. I think I was 8. Since then, Easter to me has only meant Friday off from work and lots of chocolate. It's still sinking in that Americans take their holidays and celebrations pretty seriously. I love that they do, I just can't be bothered to do all of it.
Anyway, my mum-in-law had asked me to bake bread loaves and perhaps bring along a dessert for Sunday's Easter dinner. Then I gave myself more work by having to cook an entire dinner and prepare dessert for Saturday. Lucky I have lots of dishes that can be prepared the day before, so I've only got the main dish and a side to prepare tomorrow. And the bread baking. And Sunday's dessert. Oh boy. A lot of cooking and a lot of eating in store.

Ahh...When you titled this post, I thought you were trying to imply you were preggers! Haha!
Love you!
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