February 12, 2009

Home Sweet Home

One year ago, our darling Matilda came home to live with us. I love our cuddly fuzzy bear so dearly... even though she teases her sister Isobel mercilessly hehe

Here she is in one of her favourite spots... laying on the kitchen rug while I dart around and try not to fall over whilst cooking. Don't you just want to smoosh that face? I know I do.

And honestly, if I could have a dozen Ragdolls I would. But I believe to be Crazy Cat Lady I'd need a whole new wardrobe, and this chick can't afford that right now.

Just so she doesn't feel left out, here's her sister Isobel. Do you see how smooshable they are? These girls make my heart melt.


Aurelia said...

Awww, I miss them so much. Can't wait to see them !!


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