November 23, 2009

Remember Me?

Oh hi, hello. It's me. I'm finally feeling more like myself... days of sleeping and moping around the house feeling like utter death seem to be behind me. The hubs is much better too :) I hate feeling like a little wounded bird, but this bout of flu really kicked our asses.

I'm back to doing chores (getting better isn't all it's cracked up to be!) and cooking... but the best of all is I'm back in the studio, baby! I hadn't touched my sewing machine in over a week. That's not right. So many things need to get done, and everything seems like it's in complete disarray. My entire schedule's been pushed back almost two weeks and I'm not happy about that. It's difficult to find my mojo after this unscheduled pause, but I just need to breathe and take one step at a time.

Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm back, and things will go back to normal around here shortly. And I still want to cough in my hub's cousin's face for giving us her flu.


Steven B said...

Welcome back, my love!

Heather said...

Welcome Back!!! Glad you are feeling better.

Kaye Prince said...

Yay, glad you're feeling better Audrie! I'm so thankful that I have not gotten sick even though people around me have been - that would just about finish me in terms of all the schoolwork I have to complete before the end of the semester.

You should stop by my blog since I'm doing a pattern giveaway right now that I think you might like!

Dee said...

Love the pics and I'm so glad you're feeling better! Hopefully your will catch up with your schedule and things will settle back into a normal routine!

Welcome back!

Unknown said...

So glad to hear your and the hubs is doing better. You look well too!

Angela Nash said...

Welcome back! A few stitches in and your mojo will come flying back.

CitricSugar said...

Very glad you're back to well!

Chelsea said...

Welcome back! Hope you get to feeling tip top very quickly, I'm sure you're sewing machine has missed you!!

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

welcome back!! i'm glad you are starting to feel better!!

Greg said...

Yeah! You're back.... Missed you and the Hubs humor terribly. Glad your feeling better. Some fabric therapy should do you some good. Your mojo will be back in no time.

J. said...

That's great. I just found your blog and I look forward to reading some new stuff too :)

Aurelia said...

I've missed you Big Sis. Glad you feel better. Now where's my pie??!!??

Rebekah said...

welcome back! I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better! Don't let your piles of stuff to do wear you'll get it accomplished eventually.

Vicki said...

I'm glad you're feeling better, I missed seeing your posts in my reader. :)


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