March 1, 2012

Leap Day Snowstorm

It snowed chunky chunks of snow all of yesterday. I stayed in and sewed, and finished the boy churn quilt top :)

The meteorologists on telly were as giggly as schoolgirls... I've noticed that they always are whenever there's precipitation of any kind. They kept going on about the shitty road conditions, but the hubs tells me it was all bullshit. Much ado about nothing, as usual!


  1. I cannot even relate. It was 65 here yesterday. We don't get snow. It's beautiful. Wish we had some :)

  2. We had snow too, but by noon it was all gone....Love your pics.

  3. I'm so glad I didn't see that here yesterday. It was 68 degrees here in Ohio (where I live). Almost broke out the shorts!!:)

  4. Great pictures! Some great quilt inspirations in those shots - including those very cool gumboots!


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