March 2, 2012


Random thoughts floating about in my head right now...

- I don't want to be abducted by aliens. Not just for the usual probe-y reasons, but because I don't know if they'd get a very accurate idea of a typical human female if they were to use me as a human specimen. They might be urged to return me very quickly then set fire to Earth.

- I'm not sure I like chocolate-covered apples. I had some the other day. The skin and the crunch with the chocolate? No, thanks. It was like the time my sisters and I decided to add rockmelon (cantaloupe) to our chocolate fondue repertoire. I definitely hate chocolate and orange. Not sure if I want to try chocolate and plum. Also, the hubs needs to stop bringing things home from work. This entire thought process is because he brings weird things home.

- The more I watch Smash, the more I want to do very, very naughty things to Jack Davenport. Then again I've wanted to do very naughty things to him since Coupling. (Hi honey...)

- I've decided that the Internet hates me. It keeps showing me things that I never knew I wanted and now can't live without.

Like this print. I want it simply because it features The Power Broker (one of the hub's favourite books) and you just never see it on a print. And don't get me started on fabric. I black out and click on things and fabric appears on my doorstep. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

- How is John Carter the title of a supposed blockbuster-esque movie? And has no one noticed that it's the same name as Noah Wyle's character on ER?

- I need to get back to quilting because clearly my brain malfunctions when I don't keep myself busy.


  1. YES ER was my first thought when I saw an ad for John Carter. And the Internet hates us all and loves to eat our money.

  2. Yes, I would agree - Jack Davenport is a hottie....... :)

  3. LOVE the random.

    I'm NOT the only person to have watched and loved Coupling? Say wha??? Wait a sec, what's your hubs' name again?? :-) I was a Patrick girl myself.

    And fruit always goes better with caramel than chocolate. It's a rule. Thick, gooey caramel. Or toffee. Especially plums and apples. There should be caramel fondue. Chocolate fondue goes better with pound cake. There's no need to bring fruit into it. That's why it's ban-offee pie and not ban-ocolate pie. True story.

  4. I love random's the way I think about things. I stick with carmel and fruit, well maybe a little chocolate on strawberries. Funny how the fabric just shows up, my story is "I won it on a blog" bad the shipping was so expensive. Have a great weekend Audrie!

  5. Your head is full of weird

  6. I wasn't watching the Tv when the ad came on for the John Carter movie, it was just background noise, and I thought straight away about ER when i heard the name. Then when I realised it wasn't 'that John Carter' I just felt old.

  7. I instantly thought about Noah Wyle too. That's such an odd title for a movie.


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