February 29, 2012

Yesterday I...

Worked on a boy version of the churn dash quilt for a customer. She vetoed the brights so I pulled all the muted boy solids I had.

(Have no fear, the brights will appear in a quilt sooner or later!)

Organised my Kona colour card chips. I had them all jumbled up in a box and it was so tiring searching furiously for a specific colour. It was this or punch a hole through each chip to string them up. Cutting up the card was traumatic enough... I don't think I could endure punching a hole in the chips!

Did a little reading. Super adorable book, by the way :)


  1. oh, i love how your quilt is coming along. so nice!

  2. I really love this. I'm always making quilts that look girly. Boy quilts are hard to make IMO.


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