I made a devil's food cake to take to a friend's place over the weekend. I tried out a new chocolate frosting. We decided it's a keeper :)

Nom nom nom...

The hubs found the need to give the cake a report card.
FYI, the hubs says 'balls' when he means 'awesome'. He thinks it'll catch on. He thinks wrong.
I laughed when I saw the 'balls'...I have twin teenage boys that use that term all the time...I feel your 'pain':)
That looks so delicious! (double balls!)
Next time I'm in your hood you are making that cake for me, and tell Steve he's a nitwit.
The proportion of cake to icing needs to be reversed... *maniacal grin*
Well, if he can manage to adapt and say it's the dog's bollocks, then he might yet make it. Otherwise, balls = bad, and not in that old school bad = good kind of way. Oh no, I've gone cross-eyed. >.<
And this is why it'll never catch on.
in portuguese, the word for balls as in the round object to play with is "bolas", and it is used often as the equivalent of "damn it!"
the word for balls as in "you have some balls" would be "tomates" which is tomatoes. i think it's a typical guy obsession with size...
but if we wanted to say "cool", like i think your husband means by "balls", the word would be "fixe" which is pronounced "fish", so it's kind of ridiculous anyway. so next time he wants to grade something using the term balls, tell him to try "fish" or "tomatoes" LOL and he'll soon get why it won't catch on...
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