My little sister decided early November would be perfect timing for Christmas pressies. I don't hear anyone complaining :) Well, except my other sister who now believes in order to win this inane and imaginary competition, she must present me with next year's birthday pressie post-haste. Weirdo.
Anyway, here's the hub's pressie! A turntable! I can't tell you how thrilled he was when he came home to find it waiting for him :)

Of course now I have to thank my sister for the hubs dragging me to every record store within a 50 mile radius... *grumble* But last weekend, found a bunch of Vampire Weekend records so yay!!

As for my pressie, she got me a gift card to Urban Outfitters! It's like she knows me so well!
I have to admit that I used it the very day I received it. I have no self-control. Zero. Zip. Nada.

I put the gift card toward these Frye oxfords. Looooove them, although I initially debated returning them. See, the way the shoe's designed, it adds an extra inch to the length of my feet... like mini clown shoes! But they're cute and super comfy, plus I have pretty idiotic feet and there's only a small handful of brands that don't make my feet all owwie. Frye is one of them, so I'll got over the clown shoe thing pretty quickly :)
Aurelia, we love our pressies and we love you like you love your LV SC bag. Which is to say, a buttload :) *MUAK* In gratitude, I may send you one of the cats. Maybe not. We'll see if they keep puking on the carpet.
SO glad you both enjoy the pressies.
the gifts are kinda okay... *sniff&shrug*
Those shoes are amazing! Definitely don't return them. If you really want to send them somewhere, just send them to me. That will solve your problem. ;)
Nice! I sadly got rid of my turntable and all my records when we moved this last time. They took up so much space and I stopped listening to them when I had kids. I LOVED them though!
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