There's two other methods of making HSTs that come to mind, and the first way is the traditional method.
5. Press the HSTs open and trim the little corners. You should end up with twelve 3.5" square HSTs.
6. Arrange the HSTs like so, and place the four 3.5" squares cut from Fabric A or B on the four corners.
Fabric A: 4 pieces
Fabric B: 4 pieces
Fabric C: 2 pieces
Fabric D: 2 pieces
Fabric A + B (four sets)
3. Draw two parallel lines 1/4" from the centre diagonally.

7. Sew them together, row by row, or however is easiest for you to keep track of them.
And you should end up with a 12.5" square star diamond block!
The second way of doing HSTs is with Thangles. This method uses strips half an inch larger than your finished HST, and the beauty of this method is trimming the little corners is way easier (they only appear on one side and while folded, you just need to make one cut!).
Hope this helps :) If you have any questions, you know what to do!
I love thangles!! They really do make them so much easier. I've done the line method, the grid method (scary confusing for me) and the thangles and thangles by far is the winner.
Thank you, Audrie, for taking the time to show us this method. You explain it all very well and the pictures to it makes it even easier to follow1
Have a lovely weekend!
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