I finished another ladybug quilt yesterday, a custom quilt commissioned by the hub's co-worker.

I made this one a little bigger than the first ladybug quilt I'd made a few months ago so the little baby it's for can use it for a little longer.

The pictures are awful because the quilt's going to be packed up and delivered tomorrow so I had to use the... flash *shudder*. I no like flash.

Here's a better view of the embroidered name I did on the bottom corner. I love doing any kind of hand stitching so this is was very fun to do.
I kind of want to do a redwork quilt... which will go on my loooooong list of Quilts I Wish I Had Time To Make But Don't Actually Need. You know you have a long list too.
Great quilt! I love it. How are you hanging it? Are those clothespins?
So sweet. I hate using the flash, too, but sometimes, it's a necessary evil.
My list has actually become a swirling vortex of taunts. I'll get to them eventually!
Very cute! And you stitches look so perfect. You definitely need a redwork quilt :)
Such a sweet quilt! I love the embroidery. And the back is really cool.
Oh me oh my, this cute is so adorable. And the embroidery makes it divine. You do such beautiful work.
Very cute! :) I know what you mean about the list. I have about 5-6 quilt ideas come into my head everyday... and no time to do them. *sigh* ;)
Have a great weekend! :)
very nice~ i love the embroidery!
Ha, I my list is probably as long as your list. Unfortunately, I always buy the fabric RIGHTTHEN and now I may be drowning in fabric! It is time to start cutting!
adorable! Your embroidery really makes the quilt!
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