But regardless, there's a bit of math in every quilt huh? Especially when you go designing something with a thousand HSTs. I mean why'd I have to put a million HSTs in there? Seriously? A billion HSTs Aud? Really?
Okay it's not that bad. It's actually fairly straightforward (stop laughing!) and I've figured out how to do the many HSTs without having to resort to stabbing someone to dull the pain. Pinkie swear.
I have to apologise for starting a bit later than planned. Life gets in the way and makes you break promises. We shall start sometime in August, but as I see it, it's probably a good thing since everyone's busy with summer activities and finishing off WIPs.
So all I have left is to figure out how much fabric will be needed... which is difficult because I'm using small bits of yardage and scraps. Why'd I do this again? Oh yeah that's right, 'cos I'm a dork and a half.
(I jest. I'm having fun figuring this stuff out.)
(That really wasn't sarcasm.)
I worked in a quilt shop for a while and guess what freaked me out the most? Someone coming in and saying, "I want to make this quilt, only in a different size. Can you help me figure out how much yardage I need? " Gulp. Really? But that involves, uh, MATH!!! "See that person over there? [pointing to another employee] I'm sure she would love to help you." So figure away, Audrie! Have fun and just let me know how much yard I need to buy, I mean pull out from my stash...
I think this looks like a lot of fun! I love star blocks, if I don't think about them too hard. Heh. And it looks like it would be a great way to use up some scraps, with some nice opportunities to do a little fussy cutting. I will be way behind the pack, but I'll be there!
I buy a ton of fabric and I'm always being asked, "Oh, do you quilt?" And the answer is "NO! I don't do math." Seriously, it's so beyond me. But I'm not opposed to using quilts and long a there are no calculations involved. :D
ooop... as long as there are .... Yes, I can t y p e.
take your time Audrie. do all the math for us! i keep saying people that quilting has a lot of math (and sewing has a lot of physics and geommetry) but noone believes me...
i'll be on holidays until mid august so depending on when you do start, i'll be a bit behind.
I'm totally with you on the math — it's probably one of my favorite parts of the process :) That sketch looks really fun. Can't wait!
I love quilt math too! And coloring on graph paper with colored pencils (think I need to make a trip to the office supply store soon)
Love the quilt so far and I might just join you later this fall.
isn't it easier to just buy too much.
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