I think most of you know my husband's an attorney. Yes, his soul's still intact. Promise.

A few weeks ago he announced that he would like to get into a legal drama on TV. I remembered seeing something about a new legal drama premiering on ABC called The Deep End, so I recorded it for him. It aired last night, and he sat down to watch it...
I was in my studio basting a quilt, so all I heard was the occasional shouting.
"What! NO WAY! They'd never give a first year a case on his own!"
"How the hell are they in court already?!"
"There is no way he'd get face time with the judge like that! And the other side's not even there!"
"A deposition isn't that quick!"
"This is ridiculous!"
It seems like the reviews agree with him.
Poor hubs now has to go find another TV drama to get into.
Don't you just love when you hear them ranting from the other room, when they insist on watching some new drama. Somehow, we know better and our projects call our name first.
Have a great weekend,
The Garden Bell - Kate
Oh Audrie, that is hysterical! I laughed out loud. It is very much the same for me. I am a NICU nurse and when see babies born on TV or a baby arrests or something as simple as a mom breastfeeding, I have to laugh because it rarely looks real and there are always inaccurate facts. I just LMAO most of the time. Thanks for sharing this, it brightened my day! Steph
I've heard that the best ones to watch are ones that have nothing to do with anything you know a lot about. :-) Maybe he should stick with House....
hahaha!! maybe get him Ally McBeal DVDs???
I am a lawyer myself, and I've worked in one of those firms, and seeing just one commercial for that show had me rolling my eyes! Real life lawyering is in no way exciting enough to be on TV. All those lawyer shows are so ridiculous! :)
It's the same way with cop shows...half of what you see would never happen on a traffic stop, in jail or at a crime scene...but, that's why its considered entertainment...gotta love it!
Hahahah! I so know how it feels! I hate watching certain shows cos I know that it's ridiculously unrealistic! :-)
So funny to read this! I`m a nurse and when I`m watching hospital / medical related dramas I`m acting like your husband!;))
I feel the same way when I watch cancer patients on tv with no hair on their heads, but eye brows fully in tact...you lose all your hair when you have cancer
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