I've been looking at pictures of interiors because I'm trying ideas on how best to add some colour to our home. We're those boring people who are continually guilty of going with 'safe' colours (well, aside from my studio).

How cute is that quilt?! Simple patchwork is always the best, I say.
By the way, I'm not the sort to put pillows on my bed. I love the look of it, but having to relocate 50 million pillows before diving into bed each and every night would drive me barking mad.

I need to take up crochet...

If I have a boy, I'm hunting down that wall paper to slap on his wall.

I love reading nooks. The perfect place to curl up with a book or your laptop... and perfect for my husband to bash his head on the low ceiling cos you just know he will.

If you had this in your house growing up, you would've been the coolest kid ever. It shall be my aim in life to get a spiral staircase slide (say that fast 10 times!) installed in my house before I die. I'm only thinking of my future kids... pinkie swear.
Hi Audrie,
I agree with you on the pillows! It looks so nice during the day but I couldn't imagine that I'd love the evening part! Good call with the slide, What an awesome idea! I'm sure your future kids will appreciate it ;)
Kelli xxx
pinkie swear you'll let me ride it too! that is the absolute coolest!
All the pictures are inspirational, but that staircase slide just takes the cake!
That slide is the best thing ever!!!! I'm thinking, after the kids are gone, then I can have it all to myself!
oh. my. gosh.
I want that spiral staircase. That is AWESOME! Haha... um, for my future kids of course!
That is beyond awesome. If I don't end up having kids, am I going to look weird if I get one??? Bah, I'll claim I'm a devoted aunt. :-)
yep I need a slide :)
My daughter saw the staircase and now wants to move in that house....me I love the quilt!
My turn on the slide!!!!
I love that wallpaper, and my son who is addicted to school buses, would LOVE that wallpaper. Too cute!
You should take up crocheting, so fun. That pillow is gorgeous.
That slide IS the best ever!
I stayed in a gorgeous guestroom with this fabulous sleigh-bed & dozens & dozens of pillows. I was so confused as to which ones were meant for my sleepy head. I stood there not knowing what to do with the rest till the host came in...& removed them for me - phew!
Argh that reading corner with the big comfy sofa looks soooooooo inviting!!
oooh that top quilt is AMAZING!
my brother had that boy wallpaper when we were kids. It was the early 80's. don't know if it is still around. It is pretty cool though.
Sorry everyone...I am not the coolest mom...I see such danger with that slide!!! I see a kid starting the slide down, and flying off and going through a glass window. I know...I was the mom who was always seeing the dangers and not the fun. My kids survived anyway, and now they see why I worried now that they got their own kids. My son is an Army Ranger...He didn't listen....LOL!
love that staircase and I'm totally itching to make a crazy patchwork quilt like the one in the first picture
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