November 28, 2009


Happy anniversary babe! I love you, I love how you love me, and I love that you let me be myself. Thank you for choosing to spend your life with me, and for making me laugh every single day. And thanks for making the coffee every morning.

Two years ago, I married my best friend. In his parents' living room. Yeah that's right, living room. We had 90 days to get married (all that fiance visa blah blah) but we figured 11 days was a long enough wait. We said our I Dos, had lunch at one of our favourite little cafes, and then he went off to class. The stuff dreams are made of.

I honestly was quite happy to leave it at that because I'm not the kind of girl who gets excited about weddings. I never thought I'd get married. Didn't even want kids before I met the hubs.

But we did have two receptions, one here in CT, and another in Singapore. I was SO happy when it was all over because good grief weddings are a chore.

This photo was taken at our reception in May 2008 for his side of the family.

And this is from August 2008 in Singapore during the traditional Chinese tea ceremony where we present our spouse and offer tea to our elders. That's my MIL in the hot seat. The hubs was so afraid he'd do something wrong and make someone upset lol Dork.


wishes, true and kind said...

Congratulations :)

Jan said...

Happy Anniversary. What a wonderful love story.

Greg said...

Congratulations to the both of you. May the days, weeks, months and years ahead be filled with love, laughter, and happiness. Marriage has a lot of give and take in it.. He GIVES you HIS money, you TAKE it and spend it on you... Whats his is yours and whats yours is yours! Took me 13 years to figure that out!!!

Again, congrats to you two wacky kids!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!! Ours is coming up in just a few days. I already have a surprise post going up for my hubby on Dec 2. Check it out then. Isn't this a great time of the year to get married. Congrats to you both!

Steven B said...

Happy anniversary, Sweeeeetie!!!

arlette said...

Congrats!!!, I love your wedding pics

Dee said...

Happy Anniversary Audrie and the Dork! LOL But, really...we're approaching 20...and it only gets better!

Rebekah said...

Happy Anniversary! Your ring and wedding pictures are gorgeous!

Angela Nash said...

Congratulations! The small, simple wedding sounds wonderful and romantic. Happy Anniversary!

Amanda Jean said...

happy belated anniversary! :)


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