I've been in love with the Moda Wonderland collection designed by MoMo. I loved it so much I snapped up a bunch of precuts on sale to make us a quilt. I happily pieced everything together and it was massive.
Yesterday I started basting the quilt on our bedroom floor. I stood over it and stared at it, thinking something's not right. I still adore the fabric -- it's one of the cutest collections Moda's put out, in my opinion -- but I just didn't feel much excitement for it. I folded it up, brought it back to my studio and left it.

Today I came in my studio, looked at it again and decided it's not going to live with us after all. Unfortunately, the colours don't go with our bedroom, our house, nothing. You can imagine my dismay. It's breaking my heart but I knew even if I finished it and kept it, it'd never get used because I'm too big a control freak to have something that doesn't quite go. It's a disease my sisters and I are afflicted with. The shame.
So I liberated 42 blocks and put together a lap quilt instead. I'll probably make a baby quilt and other things from the rest of the fabric and blocks. And then I'll list them in my store. I love this fabric and I hope the things I make from it go to good homes where they'll be used and loved.
I realise I'm talking about fabric like it's a child or a pet. I realise it's kind of odd. I do that with yarn too. I realise that does not help make me seem less loony.
omg... i like the quilt alot....
check out my blog
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