Sometime last week, my husband's grandaunt gave us a big bag of rhubarb from her garden. I don't eat it raw, so the only thing I know how to do with it is make cobbler or pie. It's too warm for cobbler, so pie it was.

I had a strawberry rhubarb pie filling recipe I used and quite liked last year, but for the life of me, I can't find it. I write down recipes I want to keep in my little recipe book, but it must've slipped my mind, and that little scrap of paper must've gone into hiding.

So instead, I used the recipe from Smitten Kitchen. I've tried many of her recipes and have yet to be disappointed. The only thing I changed was instead of using cornstarch, I used tapioca pearls. The pie crust is the pate brisee one I've always used from Martha Stewart.
I took it to a cookout yesterday and it was well-received, so I wrote it down in my recipe book this morning lest it goes missing again.
you make pretty food.
My grandfather makes this kind of pie, so YUMMIE!
I've always been intimidated with rhubarb. I just came across your recipe. Your pie looks gorgeous
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