May 1, 2014

Garden Blooms

I took a few pictures around the front yard of the blooming Rhododendrons (I think that's what these are, yes?) the other day, before all this rain started to fall. The yard is just awash in pink because it's everywhere, and I love it! 

These and the birch trees just make me so happy :)

Look! Tulips!

Another hyacinth! I didn't see this one till it was starting to fade because it's on the other side of the front yard, and I can barely see it amongst all the daffodils.

Speaking of daffodils... sigh :)

Driving up to or past the house always brings a smile to my face.

I'm not much of a gardening type, but I'm always amazed at how plants just pop back up after a long, difficult winter to greet you with cheeriness. Can't wait to see what else we have in store!


  1. Spring is awesome after a very cold, dreary winter. Go flowers!!!

  2. Gorgeous! Considering it snowed here twice in the past week I'm not expecting any blooms for awhile. But they'll be other people's blooms - can't garden to save my life. lol.

  3. In Socal its lovely to have Spring arrive too, my hydrangeas and roses are bursting into bloom.

  4. omg, are you serious? I am so envious. It all looks so "Summer-y" Here in New Brunswick Canada, we are JUST getting the very first flowers peeking out. A few crocus here and there....sigh. of course in the UK where I am originally from everything has been in full-bloom "for ever".....

  5. Your yard is lovely, and you're so lucky to have those beautiful birch trees. I love finding all the flowers you expect every spring...and all the ones that are surprises :)


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