February 1, 2012

Deja Vu

Those of you who've been reading my blog for a while might remember the John Deere quilt I was commissioned to make a few Christmasses ago. It still makes me laugh (and kind of shudder) whenever I think about it.

Well, I received a commission for the same quilt in lap size, but without the John Deere fabric. I don't know how I feel about this quilt. I think the memories of John Deere still haunt me so it prevented me from enjoying the process hehe Can you blame me?!?!

But it's all done, and squishy from the wash :)

I quilted it the same way I quilted the original -- Just in the ditch so the log cabins remained intact and it looked nice and simple.

Choosing a binding was a bit of a laugh. I couldn't find anything that would go, and when I finally found something, cut it into strips and was about to sew it on, I asked the hubs over to give me his opinion. Both of us stood over the quilt and binding with scrunched faces, shaking our heads. I'm not even going to bother taking a picture of it... I binned the binding the second we decided it was a no.

So I started hyperventilating, and just then, I spotted this brown marbled fabric from an old commission just sitting on my shelf. Well, don't mind if I do!

So there, done and dusted.

I have a bunch of baby quilts to make now, so that's what you'll have to look forward to :)


  1. I'm with you that those are not colors I'd choose but it does look nice. But the world of farming definately sees John Deere green differently...my dad is a farmer in ND and always says that the green paint they use on JD tractors is very expensive because categorically JD tractors/combines cost so much more than other brands.

  2. Well there is a theme and quilt for everyone....I wouldn't chose this or John Deere but I bet there are both well loved. Looking forward to the baby quilts!

  3. I can imagine this keeping some farmer or lumerjack nice and warm in the winter =)

  4. I'm not a fan of browns, but this quilt is beautiful with the rich greens. I LOVE it!

  5. I think i need a live feed of your quilts directly into my sewing room! Love every one :)

  6. hmm.. not really to do with THIS quilt but I don't get what is so gag-worthy about john deere and tractors. After all, if it weren't for farmers like my hubby (many of whom use john deere equipment) we (collectively, since farmers provide food for the whole country) wouldn't have much food to eat. Funny how people who live in the city just don't think twice about where their food comes from sometimes.


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