August 11, 2014

Beachy Courthouse Step Baby Quilt

I made this cuteness for Steve's cousin Colin and wife Joanna who are expecting a little boy next month and they finally received it! She texted me that it'd arrived and she loved it :) Phew!

She'd asked for something to go with the beach-themed nursery... they live by the beach so it made complete sense! I decided to do a giant courthouse step quilt, and I reckon it kind of looks like the beach, doesn't it?

I collected a bunch of teals, aquas, and creams in various shades so that it wouldn't look so flat. I love that it turned out like what I'd hoped it would! I quilted it in a simple grid in white thread and bound it in a slightly paler aqua than what I'd used in the quilt. I decided that was the best option because if I used cream, it'd fade into the creams... if I used aqua, it'd fade into the aquas... My thought process is riveting, isn't it? 

I'm so glad they like it and that it looks so lovely in the nursery :)


  1. Very pretty! Such an effective combination of geometric pattern and soft colors. Good choice on the binding, and I DO like hearing your thought process!

  2. I'm a sucker for log-cabiny. It's a sickness. The quilt is lovely, though; that's not just the sickness talking. :-)

  3. I loved the thought process...made perfect sense to me. and this is a great quilt, so baby yet a modern sophistication at the same time.

  4. This is gorgeous! I have a baby quilt to make soon and might have to do a large Courthouse Step myself :) Great idea.


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