March 31, 2014


This, my friends, is what I like to call a whole lot of NOPE. Or snow-pe. Whatever works best for you.

I know why it snowed. Over the weekend, the hubs declared it was probably time to put away the snow blower because, and I quote, "we're not going to get anymore snow"... and then TADA!!! Super fail.

This came after a couple days of rain, rain, rain... the hubs said the commute this morning was pretty terrible. I'm guessing all this snow landed on frozen rain and sleet. Blech. Whose idea was it to live in New England again, honey? Perth and Melbourne, no snow... just sayin' :)

And just a reminder, but today is the last day to enter the Modern Quilt Perspectives giveway!


  1. My parents grew up in the state of New York and my dad said he can remember it snowing once in June, just saying.

  2. Out here, in So Calif, where winter has not existed. Oh, well, there was that four days of rain last month. Well, I look at pictures of the east coast winter and just feel really bad for you guys. Honestly. Think of me when my lawn is dead from water rationing this summer.

  3. We'd take some of that snow to add to the snowpack here in SoCal. The fire season never ended and they have already moved extra crews into place for the coming months.

  4. Well, gotta tell you, you guys seem to have a whole load less (yeah, less) snow than us up in New Brunswick Canada. We've had over 12 feet this winter and it's still feet thick on the lawn. I think we'll skip Spring and go straight to summer. :)

  5. We got more snow last week but its bright and sunny today :)


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