February 9, 2014

Snow, Snow, Go Away

This was what was dumped on us on Wednesday, maybe about 10-12". On top of what we got on Monday. And we're supposed to get a couple more inches today, and next week. When is winter over already?!?! I don't mind the cold, but when the roads get treacherous, I hit my limit very quickly. 

On Monday, I went to run errands, going super slowly because I'm not an idiot, and my car slid while going round a bend. I missed hitting a pole (thank goodness!!!) but I did hit the kerb and it made a very loud bang. I thought I'd done serious damage to my car, but thankfully, no. I was very grateful for the parking ban on the roads because there's usually cars parked along that stretch. Phew. 

The snow can definitely stop now... it's just being obnoxious at this point. 

Look at my poor hubs... He fell a couple of times on the ice and smacked his shin on the snow blower :( And he doesn't even complain. Best guy ever. I'm so glad he didn't have to go in to work because the roads looked horrific on the news.

By the way, it took me a while to realise that the car's on the wrong side of the road lol! I grew up driving on the left side so it didn't hit me until quite a bit later! I still walk to the wrong side of the car sometimes... I just did it again today, and my poor friend was totally confused lol!


  1. That is quite a bit of snow! We are supposed to get 3-4 inches more down here in Arkansas. (Which is crazy, because we hardly ever get snow like that.) Even though I love snow, I agree with you...when the roads get bad, I'm ready for the snow to go away. Stay safe on the roads!

  2. So sick of winter here in Iowa, too. Your planter covered with the snow looks like a giant cupcake! :)

  3. Yeah, I hear you. We've had 84" so far this winter/ski season. We're due to get another 12-14 inches over the next few days. Yikes!! I hate it!!
    I laughed when you said about driving on the other side of the road. I'm from the UK and even though I've been in Canada for 22 years, I still sometimes try to get in the wrong side of the car!

  4. I'm so glad someone besides me saw the giant cupcake. I thought maybe it was my insatiable desire for sweets making me delusional ...

  5. Snow snow go away now. I'm blue and sad and tired of being confined to my very small 1 bedroom apartment. Being a limited handicap. Jean


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