January 10, 2014

Chicopee Love

I haven't been doing much else aside from sewing and avoiding going outside because the frigid cold was beyond ridiculous. I got emails and texts from my family because they kept seeing reports on the news, but I had to keep reminding them that we're not in Minnesota or Chicago, so stop worrying. Thankfully, the maddening cold has abated and it's just gone back to the regular winter cold. I was working on the shop window at work yesterday and actually managed to pop outside without a heavy coat on. It's hilarious to think that 0C° / 32F° is actually 'warm' to me now, especially when I grew up on a tropical island haha!

Anyhow, I started on this super king-sized Single Girl quilt out of Chicopee for a friend. I say super king-sized because the pattern calls for 20 blocks but we upped it to 25. I suggested this madness... I clearly need help. HEEHEE!!! But it's only taken a week go get to this point and I've amazed even myself. All I've done this past week is cut, sew and watch shows on Netflix! Perhaps the cold weather wasn't such a terrible thing after all. Or not. 

Oh, and you see my teapot pincushion over there? I started getting so many comments and emails all at once last week, referencing a post I did over three years ago. I even edited the post to let people know that I'd bought it from Joann's, I didn't make it, and I'm not selling it. I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on until someone from Quiltmaker magazine contacted me to inform me that they'd featured it on their Facebook page haha! Too funny!


  1. Great blocks, at 25 blocks it will be huge!

  2. This is stunning! It's going to be amazing when it's done!

  3. Woa, 25, good for you! Hahaha, you'd think a magazine would check things before publishing just in case, even if its 'just' FB.

  4. I totally understand the feeling! I went out in 30 degrees F without a coat, because it really felt so warm! I love your Single Girl - quite an undertaking!


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