August 7, 2012


I was watering my tomato plants the other day and saw this beast. IT IS GIANT.

My first instinct when I see bugs or spiders is KILL IT DEAD OMG KILL but I figured I'd go check and see if it's even poisonous. Having lived in Australia, you're just taught to avoid creepy crawlies and if you have to, kill first, ask questions later.

Turns out it's just a harmless garden spider. It's huge, which freaks people out, but it eats a lot of pesky bugs. So I'll leave it be :) And name her Henrietta. Because I've decided she's a girl spider.

While I was outside, this little bunny sat nearby, eyeing me very suspiciously. I took one step toward him and he hopped away. What a poohead.

Oh, over the weekend, the hubs spotted a snake where the hose is in the front yard. Good luck to the plants in the front because there's no chance in hell I'm ever touching that hose again. Nooooo thank you.


  1. Call me crazy but I love spiders! Awesome!

  2. If there were a snake in my front yard, I don't think I'd ever go out there again. Yikes!

  3. See, that serves you right because you posted that picture of that horrid spider. If you take that picture off your blog, I'll come and rescue the snake :) and your plants will thank me....

  4. KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yeah, kill the spider with fire and the snake can have BBQ for lunch....!!

  6. I've been bitten by one of those. It hurt like heck and looked ugly (like a bruise with a red dot in the center) but I didn't die. Much.


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