June 2, 2012

Tomato Babies!

While watering the tomatoes, I noticed little teeny green blobs on some of the branches. 


I don't know how well you can see them (every bloody thing is green, I know) but I counted eight of the little guys so far! I've just given them their first feed of fertiliser so hopefully that'll give us tomatoes aplenty. I cannot wait to start harvesting :)

The little fellow on the end hasn't started fruiting but I love him just the same. You'll get there in due time, buddy. Don't tell the others, but you're the cutest of the lot.

So who's getting sick of me talking about tomatoes already? Well get comfortable. I don't know that I'm capable of shutting up about them heehee!


  1. Cool!! The last one will be the best because the others will be harvested at the same time and by the time you think you're done that one will bloom :)

  2. I just saw little ones on my plants yesterday, as well! Hurray for little tomatoes! But your leaves look so much better than mine - they're a tad spotty. Maybe I should feed them, too.

  3. Mmmm, not much tastes nicer than home-grown tomatoes. You can even smell the difference! I don't know how on Earth they make all these flavourless, orange tomatoes you buy in the supermarket...


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