June 7, 2012


- First peep at the baby grape tomatoes :)

- A mini quilt I quilted and put the binding on... photos to come!

- Finally washed my Sparkling Cider quilt and put it on the bed.

- Very tempted to wear red and navy Saltwater sandals together. Maybe on 4th of July?

- The hubs very pleased with rounding up the rowdy kitties. Don't they look like one cat, two heads?

- Isobel. Drunk.

- Isobel. Cross-eyed.

- Isobel. Pretending to ride a horse? Rocket? Hugging the couch? Look at the intensity in her face. Silliest cat that ever lived.


  1. Ah, cats. My favourite kind of people. :-)

  2. Bahahaha! I love the hubs. Get another kitty and they could be Fluffy, from Harry Potter ;-)

  3. Cute photos....even if I am a dog person...lol

  4. LOL! How do you tell them apart?


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