June 26, 2012

Duckie Hexagon Bib

Here's the little duckie hexagon bib I was working on last week during that heatwave! It turned out pretty cute, and I hope it fits around a one-year-old's neck. I have no clue about children's sizing... to me it's all small and I can't distinguish the degree of smallness.

Unfortunately, I'm quite stupid, so I didn't place the duckies properly and most of them got cut away. Oops. Hopefully the one in the centre will distract from my idiocy.

A closer look at the lone duckie left in its entirety. So silly. This time I stitched in the ditch to hold the layers together. 

You can see the stitching a bit better on the back, but uhhh...  don't look too closely because it's quite untidy.

It's on its way to Sydney, Australia and I hope little Ryan wears it at his duckie birthday party!


  1. I think it is adorable, I like the lone ducky, he gets all the attention.

  2. It's adorable, Audrie! I'm sure he'll love his little duckie bib!:)

  3. I love how the back looks like honeycomb. ^.^ So cute!

  4. OMG this is just way too adorable!

  5. very cute - and I kind of like the lone duckie

  6. I could make hexies all day long! Love your bib


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